





Hackathon 2022

Participants have to work on a given problem with their team to come up with the best solution they can. The most feasible solution will be awarded.

Hackathon logo

₹ 200.00 (Per Team)

Criteria: Semi-Open


Number of Participants: 2-4

  • 1st prize : Rs.3000 + Certificates
  • 2nd prize :Rs.1500 + Certificates
  • 3rd prize: Certificates
  • Round 1 (Idea Submission):

  • 1. Idea must be submitted by Team Leader Only.
  • 2. The team must submit the Idea before the last date.
  • 3. Upload the Idea Submission File in the prescribed format.
  • 4. Format for Idea file:
  • -- PSID_TeamName_LeaderName
  • -- For Eg. PS01_Enigma_AmitNaik
  • 5. A team can submit idea in only one problem statement only. Multiple idea submission in this hackathon is not allowed.
  • 6. For AI/ Machine learning, participants can either create or use any relevant dataset.
  • Sample Idea Format

    Round 1

    20th December 2021- 31st January 2022

    Idea Submission Round

    Round 2

    Dates will be declared soon

    Prototype & Demo Video Submission

    Final Round

    During Alegria - The Festival Of Joy

    Final presentation round (online)

    Problem Statement Domains:

    Artificial Intelligence



    App (Web/Mobile)

    Problem Statements


    Sentiment Analysis of Youtube Channel

    Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning(AI /ML)

    Implement a sentiment analysis model that helps identify the sentiments of the comments on an entire youtube channel and a specific video. Additionally, analysis of multilingual or comments in different languages would be appreciated.


    Realistic Face Images from Sketches of Humans and Anime Characters

    Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning(AI /ML)

    The system should be able to take in sketches of humans and anime characters and generate photo-realistic like face images for them.


    Domain based Resume Parsing and Ranking Policy

    Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning(AI /ML)

    Make the hiring process faster and more efficient with a smart AI system that can parse thousands of resumes (resume format - .doc, .docx, .pdf, etc.), provide a summary and rank the individuals based on their skill sets and job requirements.


    IoT based solutions for road maintenance and incident reporting

    Internet of Things (IoT)

    Monitoring of the roads for maintenance (like repairing of potholes, lane marking, bridge maintenance, grass cutting, maintenance of pavements) and reporting of emergency incidents like accidents or bridge washout, unexpected landslide abruptly cutting a road) through video surveillance or sensors making a network of devices to help solve the problem.


    Empower farmers with IoT devices(1)

    Internet of Things (IoT)

    Build a platform to help the farmers to make decisions to obtain good crop yield. The data from sensors can be utilised for management of resources such as fertilisers, pesticides, water and electricity.


    Empower farmers with IoT devices(2)

    Internet of Things (IoT)

    Retail Store Management using IoT based consumer behaviour analysis: With the help of sensors, video surveillance and a network of devices connected to the internet; the data of consumer behaviour with the products on display can be monitored and the store layout can be enhanced for improved sales and consumer convenience.


    Using AR/VR to transform educational campus experience

    Augmented Reality /Virtual Reality (AR /VR)

    Develop an App that provides the real-life experience of an educational campus with the help of AR/VR. The App should provide an AR/VR experience of different education campuses and factors related to it. For example To reflect the engineering campus experience the app should show various aspects of the engineering campus like labs, classrooms, etc and so for another educational field.


    Using AR/VR to transform library services and assist in resource discovery

    Augmented Reality /Virtual Reality (AR /VR)

    Accessing Library Services and discovering books related to various fields is a bit difficult when a person is new to the environment. To develop an AR/VR model for a library that provides an overview of the various services provided by the library and provides the details regarding the types of books available in a library. The AR/VR should assist the user in discovering the particular type of book and the place where it is kept.The VR must be efficient and accurate for finding the book source.


    App that helps college students find internships/work


    Build a mobile application that can suggest college students with internship and work opportunities as per their defined skills and interests. The app should also act as a bridge for students and recruiters where students can apply for the internship/work and get recruited.


    Management System for Old Age Home/NGO


    To have a management system that aims to replace the traditional record keeping logbooks. The system will be able to track and keep records for categories like health, personal information, food, and other necessary information. The system should have a clean user interface, easy to use with an easily searchable interface.